Well, as many of you know from an earlier post my black scorpion is truly an amazing creature. Let me tell you a little story.... cuz it's good ;)
Well i decided awhile back that Mr. Scorpion was not eating as well as i would have thought he needed to be eating. So my idea was to change what i was feeding him so i went and got him some mealworms which BTW, are truly disgusting in themselves. I think of them pretty much as developed maggots. So after discovering that it takes about 1.5 minutes from the time the mealworm is released into the tank he buries himself into the soil so of course, MR scorpion lost out on a delicious meal ! Well, 2 weeks later THERE IS A BUG DEVELOPING FROM THE MEALWORM THAT HAD BURIED ITSELF 3 WEEKS AGO !!! Not only a bug, but a very large beetle"ish" looking thing that wanted nothing more than to get to the surface where MR scorpion resides. Well, he made it to the surface (let me say the beetle was nearly 2 inches long and pretty fat) and made MR scorpion a little nervous at first and i began thinking i was going to need to remove MR beetle so MR scorpion could be his happy self. .... Well I got home today to find MR beetle in about 30 pieces in the tank and MR scorpion back to his happy self after devouring that guy and leaving his carcass scattered in the tank.... WOW , i guess this is the reason HE is the scorpion. He may not have got the meal at first, but he got it in the end.... i think i chose my kind of pet here :)